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Nadine BrinetteWelcome to the community of Contwig!
I welcome you to our homepage and would like to invite you to get to know our beautiful community better.

With over 5,000 inhabitants, the municipality of Contwig is the largest municipality in the Verbandsgemeinde of Zweibrücken-Land.

You are welcome to find out more about our diverse clubs, events, hiking trails and much more on our homepage so that you can optimally plan your visit to our community.

Your Mayor Nadine Brinette Address: 66497 Contwig, Rathausplatz 1

Tel. Town Hall 06332/5701 Mail:   Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein.

For a citizen's consultation you can call tel. no. 0176-70117021 to make an appointment.

Consultation hours: by phone only. Agreement.


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